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MessagePublié: 06 Juin 2014, 13:42 
Grand matou
Grand matou
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Inscription: 29 Juillet 2008, 20:26
Messages: 6447
Quelques autres réactions : ... d-stabbing

MILWAUKEE (AP) — The man who created Slenderman, a spooky character popularized in short stories, video games and films, and an administrator of a website that collected the works expressed their condolences Wednesday to a 12-year-old girl who was stabbed by two fans and to others affected by the tragedy.

A spokeswoman for Slenderman creator Eric Knudsen and an administrator for said they have been overwhelmed with calls and messages since news broke that the girls charged in the weekend stabbing told police they wanted to curry favor with Slenderman and prove he was real.

"I am deeply saddened by the tragedy in Wisconsin and my heart goes out to the families of those affected by this terrible act," Knudsen said in a statement released by spokeswoman Sue Procko.

Creepypasta administrator David Morales said the site clearly states the stories there are fiction and its rules bar use by anyone under 13.
"We are not teaching children to believe in a fictional monster, nor are we teaching them to be violent," Morales wrote in an email.

He noted that administrators have not allowed any new Slenderman stories to be posted since 2012 because they want users to come up with fresh ideas. Since Knudsen posted the first Slenderman stories and photos in an online forum in 2009, hundreds of other writers, artists and programmers have created horror stories featuring the tall, thin, faceless man in a black suit.

"Overall, the community has deep condolences to the family of the victim and all those who were involved," Morales wrote.

The two 12-year-old Wisconsin girls charged as adults in the stabbing face 65 years in prison. The victim remains hospitalized.

Slenderman fans defended the stories and the community that's gathered around them.
"It fosters a lot of good conversations and friendships online, as well as creativity between fellow creators," Ryan Lelache, a Slenderman fan from New Jersey, wrote in an email.
Lisa Morton, vice president of the Horror Writers Association, said the genre "helps us to explore and understand our own fears."

"The horror characters that rise to the top and become the best known are speaking to contemporary cultural anxieties," added Rhonda Brock-Servais, an English professor at Longwood University.
Anderson reported from Madison, Wisconsin.

:binocle: Sage à ses heures, idiot le reste du temps.
Horaire inconnu.

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MessagePublié: 06 Juin 2014, 14:41 
Empereur du chat
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Inscription: 12 Août 2008, 22:57
Messages: 1895
Très bonne réponse de l'administrateur, qui a eu la bonne idée d'intervenir sur le sujet. J'imagine les réactions si ça n'avait pas été le cas ...

Da funky emperor !

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MessagePublié: 07 Juin 2014, 09:53 
Sonne toujours deux fois
Sonne toujours deux fois
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Inscription: 05 Août 2008, 17:27
Messages: 7281
Localisation: Massif central. Par là.
Et après, on nous demande pourquoi les mineurs sont interdits sur l'Encyclopédie et sur PFRN... :think:

Je pense que les administrateurs de a bien réagi et posté une réponse intelligente et sensée. J'espère qu'il n'y aura pas de poursuite judiciaire engagée à leur égard par les parents des victimes...

Herr Magog a écrit:
Hum, serait-ce pertinent vis-à-vis du côté purement paranormal ? Je veux dire, ça ferait pas inutilement sensationnel ?

Je pense que l'article ne saurait être vraiment complet si n'y ajoute pas un petit paragraphe précisant que le personnage de Slenderman a pris une certaine importance dans la culture populaire* et mentionnant brièvement cette affaire criminelle.
Après, il est peut-être effectivement sage de ne pas le faire tout de suite et d'attendre un peu que toute l'effervescence médiatique ne s'apaise...

* Je veux dire, sans même considérer cette affaire sordide, il me semble que Paul avait dit que c'était l'article de l'Encyclopédie le plus consulté, non ? Même Rue89 et Slate s'y sont mis suite à cette histoire...

Close the world, open the next

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MessagePublié: 12 Juin 2014, 18:25 
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Inscription: 30 Septembre 2011, 09:17
Messages: 93
Localisation: france
Le daily mail rapporte un deuxième cas d'attaque perpétrée au nom de slenderman: ... acter.html

"Je suis l'invention. L'inventeur ne devrait pas tarder à arriver." Charles Addams, The New Yorker, 1988.

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MessagePublié: 12 Juin 2014, 20:57 
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Inscription: 26 Novembre 2008, 18:29
Messages: 5298
Localisation: Großostn
Il va falloir changer les traditionnels morts-vivants des films d'apocalypse zombie par des fillettes fan de slenderman. :geek:

Ungl unl . . . rrlh . . . chchch . . .
[H.P. Lovecraft, The Rats in the Wall, 1923]

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MessagePublié: 12 Juin 2014, 21:09 
Grand matou
Grand matou
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Inscription: 29 Juillet 2008, 20:26
Messages: 6447
Le commentaire du jour :

Alex Fox1111, houston, United States, 2 days ago
And I guess none of you know anything about tulpas, demons, or demonic masks? This has demonic influence written all over it. It's enough to make me go out to that national park and hunt the damn thing.

Alex Fox1111 cliqua sur le bouton « Envoyer le message » et se laissa retomber au fond de son siège en soupirant. Son regard glissa instinctivement vers l'arme accrochée au mur de sa chambre, juste à côté de son trench-coat et de son borsalino.

« Bientôt, Frostmourne » promit-il silencieusement à l'épée de plastique acéré. « Bientôt, nous mettrons fin à cette folie - dès que maman me laissera emprunter la voiture, ces démons verront de quel bois je me chauffe... »

[Edit] Commentaire suivi de très près par :

Rabeka Jo Drew, Wichita, United States, 3 days ago

Kids gotta believe in something when the country removes God from the schools and replaces it with a similar story of sporadic creation that was not observed so is technically not scientific but yet taught in a science based class room smh hope the country realizes that children need something to believe in and puts God back into schools to quote Poison's classic song "something to believe in" give me something to believe in

Bien dit, Rabeka Jo Drew : c'est la faute des évolutionnistes.

:binocle: Sage à ses heures, idiot le reste du temps.
Horaire inconnu.

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MessagePublié: 12 Juin 2014, 22:59 
Ornithorynque consterné
Ornithorynque consterné
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Inscription: 16 Mai 2010, 16:44
Messages: 1255
Localisation: Dans une rivière australienne
Avec le genre de personne qu'on a déjà vu défiler ici-même, je ne suis pas vraiment surpris par ce genre de commentaires...

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MessagePublié: 14 Juin 2014, 18:53 
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Inscription: 21 Octobre 2011, 14:19
Messages: 982
Paul Binocle a écrit:
[Edit] Commentaire suivi de très près par :

Rabeka Jo Drew, Wichita, United States, 3 days ago

Kids gotta believe in something when the country removes God from the schools and replaces it with a similar story of sporadic creation that was not observed so is technically not scientific but yet taught in a science based class room smh hope the country realizes that children need something to believe in and puts God back into schools to quote Poison's classic song "something to believe in" give me something to believe in

Bien dit, Rabeka Jo Drew : c'est la faute des évolutionnistes.

J'ose espérer que ladite Rabeka fait du second degré, parce que citer un tube du groupe de glam Poison dans sa démonstration, euh... :wtf: (sans parler de l'apparente haine de cette dame pour la ponctuation...)

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MessagePublié: 25 Juin 2014, 15:56 
Grand matou
Grand matou
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Inscription: 29 Juillet 2008, 20:26
Messages: 6447
Je viens seulement de découvrir l'article publié sur le sujet sur Something Awful, le site humoristique sur les forums duquel Slenderman a été inventé :

Please Do Not Kill Anybody Because of Slenderman
Wednesday, Jun 04, 2014 by Zack "Geist Editor" Parsons (@sexyfacts4u)


On Monday, June 2nd, two 12 year old girls from suburban Wisconsin attempted to brutally murder another girl to appease the fictional character Slenderman. This incident has been described as "tragic" and the perpetrators described as "insane" or "deeply troubled." I don't want to make light of mental health issues, but it would seem to me that a more accurate diagnosis would be that these two 12 year old girls are dumb as hell.

Slenderman originated in 2009 from SA forums member Victor Surge as part of a Photoshop thread. The faceless, tall man in a suit, often depicted sprouting spaghetti arms and standing ominously in the background of innocuous photos, tapped into the Internet's deep fear of skinny people stalking our forests.


He was especially terrifying to the people who try hard to be afraid of things and help each other succeed. The Internet's dire equivalent of a collective Ouija board party. Since the first Photoshops, the Slenderman myth has since been embellished into stories, web videos like Marble Hornets, hauntingly terrible video games, and even ripped off for bad Hollywood movies with Jessica Biel.

We are 15 years post-Blair Witch. These girls were 12. Found footage Youtubes, shaking cameras and bad Photoshops of people with socks on their head standing in the woods should not be fooling anyone. Especially not 12 year olds who should be better at the Internet and media culture than actual adults. But maybe all these chemtrails and Art Bells are actually making people dumber. Maybe there is a lot of lead paint being used in Waukesha. Maybe the Internet makes you stupid.

You might be a long time reader of Something Awful, someone who was tricked into coming here by a malicious link, or a member of the media who recently heard about Slenderman. If you read no further, please, do not kill anybody because of something that came from this not quite humor website.

Yes, Something Awful is bad. Yes, we joke about scary things like D&D, porn and 3D printers, but that is never a good reason to hurt someone else or yourself. You know that old Nike slogan, Just Do It? It's right on, as long as the "It" is "don't hurt others or yourself because of Something Awful."

Just Do don't hurt others or yourself because of Something Awful.

Because Slenderman is a blurry blob in the back of photos. He's a bad MS Paint picture on Deviant Art. He's somebody on tumblr who is shipping Slendy and Tails:


Slenderman is ridiculous. He has been organically sourced to the crowd and the crowd is dumb. The Slenderman fans can invest their dumb lives in the story just like Dr. Who fans or comic book fans or Welcome to Night Vale fans or any other fandom. They will talk endlessly about Slenderman:

(Don't actually read this, just scroll past it or your brain will melt out of your eyes.)


It's okay to obsess about Slenderman. Well, maybe not "okay" but it's normal. Internet normal. Okay, it's bad, but so long as you're not hurting anyone, it can be tolerated. We don't want your fandom's blood on our hands. If you need to know anything more about Slenderman, you should read through Mario Peterson's thoroughly researched history:


Actually, never mind, we don't want anything else on our hands either.

[Edit] La page d'où vient l'avant-dernière image : ... -330794639

Elle se termine par :

And if you want to know: I LOVE Slenderman, but HE'S NOT MY FRIEND/LOVER/WHATEVER. He'd kill me. I know that. :( I just would try to stalk him, but he'd notice me someday and kill me.

NOTE: IF AFTER LOOKING AT THIS STAMP YOU SAY ME SOMEHTING LIKE: "You don't know anything he's my -insert significant other status here-" OR "Why don't you shut up?" OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, YOU'LL BE SHOWING ME THAT YOU'RE A MARY SUEISH PATHETIC FANGIRL.

L'auteure a 19 ans. :s

:binocle: Sage à ses heures, idiot le reste du temps.
Horaire inconnu.

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MessagePublié: 26 Juin 2014, 12:36 
E = mc 3 ou 4
E = mc 3 ou 4
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Inscription: 01 Décembre 2013, 09:58
Messages: 4846
Ar Soner a écrit:
Et après, on nous demande pourquoi les mineurs sont interdits sur l'Encyclopédie et sur PFRN... :think:

Je me permets de relever ceci... Ne serait-il pas mieux au contraire de les laisser participer et discuter ? Parce qu'ils peuvent lire les forums, et échaffauder des idées fausses sur ce qu'ils lisent...!
Je suis plutôt partisan d'interdire les mineurs ici et sur PFRN en général, mais je me pose la question dans ce contexte particulier !

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