Une vidéo qui circule pour le moment :
"L'alien", timide comme la plupart de ses semblables, est caché dans le coin inférieur gauche.
La description de l'uploadeur :
Published on 11 Jan 2013
So today is the 11/1/13 but this happened in the last 5 days but not tonight, so hopefully the effects help of course anyone you can do better effects is welcome too - what are the dots but hay ? any ideas
Les commentaires les plus populaires :
Francisco Castillo
2 days ago
Reflection and a leaf with water on it. Boo
2 weeks ago
Looks like an Opossum. I've seen there eyes shine just like that. When they look down their heads and nose look almost human in the dark.
Sage à ses heures, idiot le reste du temps.
Horaire inconnu.